Legislative Democrats authored and passed the following measures which are already law or are still working their way through the legislative process.
Statuses as of 10/25/2023:
- AB 33 (Bains) – Establishes the Fentanyl Misuse and Overdose Prevention Task Force to undertake specified duties relating to fentanyl abuse (Chaptered).
- AB 461 (Ramos) – Requires community colleges and CSU to stock and distribute fentanyl test strips and provide information about the use and location of fentanyl test strips as part of campus orientations (Chaptered).
- AB 474 (Rodriguez) – Requires the State Threat Assessment Center and the Office of Emergency Services to prioritize cooperation with state and local efforts to illuminate, disrupt, degrade and dismantle criminal networks trafficking opioid drugs (Chaptered).
- AB 701 (Villapudua) – Applies the existing weight enhancements that increase the penalty and fine for trafficking substances containing heroin, cocaine base and cocaine to fentanyl (Chaptered).
- AB 1027 (Petrie-Norris) – Requires social media platforms to disclose their policies regarding communications between users of the platform. This change provides law enforcement agencies with access to information that could be invaluable in their efforts to investigate online illicit drug transactions (Chaptered).
- AB 1060 (Ortega) – Requires health plans and Medi-Cal to cover prescription and over-the-counter Narcan (Vetoed).
- AB 1166 (Bains) – Clarifies that a good samaritan who renders emergency care by administering or furnishing an opioid antagonist is generally not liable for civil damages resulting from an act or omission related to the action (Chaptered).
- SB 10 (Cortese) – Establishes Melanie's Law which requires school safety plans of schools serving students in grades seven to 12 to include a protocol for responding to a student’s opioid overdose (Chaptered).
- SB 60 (Umberg) – Authorizes a person to seek a court order requiring a social media platform, as defined, to remove content that includes an offer to sell, transport, or otherwise provide specified controlled substances (Chaptered).
- SB 234 (Portantino) – Requires public schools, colleges and universities, stadiums, concert venues and amusement parks to maintain unexpired doses of opioid antagonists on its premises and ensure that at least two employees are aware of the location of the opioid antagonists (Chaptered).
- SB 641 (Roth) – Requires the state to make all FDA approved formulations and dosage strengths of naloxone or another opioid antagonist that are indicated for the emergency treatment of known or suspected opioid overdose available to eligible NDP applicants to the extent that federal funding is not jeopardized (Vetoed).